Beryllium\'s atomic number is 4.
Some of beryllium\'s physical properties are; it has a high melting point, also it has a high absolute value of flexibility that is 50% more than steel. Some of beryllium\'s chemical properties are; it loses luster due to the oxide around it, which makes beryllium able to scratch glass. Due to its light, strong, and sturdy structure, beryllium\'s alloys ( bronze and spring copper) are being used in characterized work more and more.
Beryllium is found most commonly in minerals like beryl and bertandite. On Earth it\'s usually found in igneous rock, which is mostly in the United states and Russia.
Some interesting facts about beryllium are, beryllium was the main ingredient in the mirrors made for NASA\'s Webb telescope. Emeralds and aquamarines are gem forms of beryllium. Beryllium has a sweet taste, but highly toxic. beryllium is a very rare and expensive element.