Magnesium is the 12th element in the periodic table.Its label is Mg.Its is a chemical element its a shiny grey solid and a lightweight metal it also has the lowest melting,Magnesium is in many types of pills because your body needs it to balance the calcium in your because to much can cause problems with your muscle control,It is also used in many foods.It provides energy production .Magnesium is used with sharpeners It can also improve your sleep alot of people say it \"is the most relaxing mineral\".Its is also the fourth most common element in earth.Magnesium is highly flammable,It was used in flammable weapons in World War 2.Magnesium is often mixed with other metals (an alloy) it is mostly mixed with aluminium,zinc and alot of other metals.Magnesium is with automobiles,the magnesium block engines are used with high horsempower cars.They are also used for camera bodies,also for some lenses.