Treasure hunt on Spain

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You are about to start an e-mail exchange with a school in Spain. How much do you know about Spain? Do this treasure hunt and you will get to know more. Your Spanish partners will also make a treasure hunt on Russia.

This is Spain and its situation in the world map. Its total area is 504,782 Km . There are 44 108 530 inhabitants.Spain is divided in fifty provinces wich are grouped into seventeen autonomous communities. We live in the most southerner community . Andalusia.

1.-You surely know the Spanish flag But do you know the Andalusia flag?

2.-Find a picture of D. Quijote & Sancho Panza from “El Quijote” the best loved Spanish book ever and the most translated. The writer of “El Quijote” was:
A) Federico García Lorca B) Miguel de Cervantes C) Antonio Banderas

3.-Guernica is one of his best known paintings. It represents Nazi bombing of the town Called Guernica, in the north, on the 1st of May 1937. 1600 dead people in a town of 7000 inhabitants. It is a big painting. What are its dimensions?

4.-The most beautiful palace the Arabs built is called “ La Alhambra”. It means “the red one” because of the colour of its walls. This is what it looks like: It is in:
A) Barcelona B) Madrid C) Granada

5.-Paella is the best known traditional national dish. It made of :
A ) Rice, fish , vegetables and meat
B) Rice, fish and meat
C) Rice vegetables and meat

FINALLY: you can do a puzzle of a Paella when you have finished.



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