Is the world heating up? Are all the claims about greenhouse gas emissions just empty talk? Or are there figures to support arguments that global warming, the world’s greatest environmental threat, is happening...right now?
The year 2005 was the warmest on record, jointly with 1998. Perhaps more disturbing is the fact that the 10 warmest years globally since 1856 have occurred in the last 15 years.

Global warming does not happen by default. It is a man-made problem. Every bit of coal, every litre of oil or gas that humans burn adds to the load of gases in the atmosphere that engulf the planet like an ever thicker blanket, trapping heat, smothering people and nature.


What is global warming?

What is greenhouse effect?

What is the main cause of the climate change?

Can you name some of the examples of Weather chaos nowadays?

What is the Kyoto Protocol?


What can we do to help switch off global warming from industries and from our homes?

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