Mrs. McDermott and Mrs. Haverly's Class

Learning Support - Second Grade


Welcome Back! We hope you had a great summer. Mrs. McDermott and I are excited to get to know you and our students this year. We know that we are going to have a great school year. If you need anything please contact me at; I check my email all of the time.

Upcoming events
August 26--First Day of School!
September 4-- Back to School Night--begins at 6:30
September 12--Picture Day
October 14--No School--Columbus Day

We are trying something new this year! If you would like us to send you text messages of important reminders throughout the year! To scribe to our text message list send a text message to 484-365-2378 with the message @mrshaverly. This will allow us to send you messages about things going on in our classroom without us having to exchange cell phone numbers. We are hoping that this will help this will keep everyone up to date on all the upcoming events!

Content of Website:
Homework - Page 2
Special Schedule - Page 3


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