NVA Rank System

Land and Air Forces
NVA Rank Table 1956 - 1990


The NVA carried on the German Army tradition designating rank and branch of service by shoulderboard and colored piping (Waffenfarben). This system remained in place throughout the history of the NVA 1956 - 1990, but in 1986 a system of sleeve rank was designed exclusively for field and work uniforms. The table pictured above is taken directly from the NVA soldiers handbook and illustrates the various shoulderboards of the ranks from Soldat to Marschall der DDR.

NVA unit branch colors (Waffenfarben) featured on shoulderboards:

Infantry - Mot-Schützen : white
Armor - Panzer : pink
Artillery + Rocket Troops : red
Air Force : blue
Air Defense : grey
Engineer - Pioneer : black
Paratrooper - Fallschirmjäger: orange
Signals - Nachrichten : yellow
Rear Services : dark green
Construction Troops - Bausoldaten : olive
Navy : dark blue
Navy Aviation : light blue (on dark blue base)
Border Guard - Grenztruppen : bright green



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