The true Natives of North America



-Considering the cardinal points, can you name the 4 main Indian cultures?
-Where did the “Tlingits” live?
-What’s the “Tlingits” main source of food?
-What type of clans did the “Tlingits” have?
-Where did the “Hopis” live?
-What are “katsinas”?
- The “Hopis” cultivated a variety of plants … What’s the most important one linked to women?
-What’s the “Hopis” substance of life?
-Where did the “Iriquouis” live?
-Which are the 5 different nations of the “Iriquouis Confederacy”?
-What are the 3 sisters of the “Iriquouis”?
- What are the 3 basic clan animals of the “Iriquouis”?
-Where did the “Lakotas of the Plains” live?
-What other name are the “Lakotas” known as?
-What was an important practice the “Lakotas” did related to the sky?
-What’s the “Lakotas” name of their houses?
-There are many other famous tribes. Can you name some?

BIG QUESTION: All the Indian societies lived according to…
(one word is enough, but you can write as much as you want)



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