Malicious Software



In order to fight Malware, we need to know what we are fighting. Our goal for this unit is to get a better understanding of Malware. We will be learning about the different pieces of malicious software that make up Malware, the symptoms of infection, and ways to remove and protect.



We start working on the work sheet Malware-Facts which will be due on Friday. Review the information found in the track links and use them to complete the worksheet.

There will be a quiz next Friday.


Continue to work on the worksheet Malware - Facts.

Try the hangman activity @ Quia on the links list.

Start the assignment called "Check on a friend". In this assignment you need to use the eicar test file to check a computer that you do not own to see if the virus software is working properly. Write a short description of about 50 words on what you find. Items to include: What if any virus detection software is installed, if definitions are current or out of date, the last time a full system scan was done, and whether the software detected your test file.


Worksheet Malware - Facts is due.

"Check on a Friend" paper is due.

We will start working on Malware - definitions worksheet due Monday. Review the information found in the track links and use them to complete the worksheet.



Worksheet Malware - definitions due.

Start assignment "Check on a new friend" which is the same assignment as last week with the exception of doing it on a different computer than last week or your own. This will be due Friday.


We will go over the Malware - Facts worksheet and new worksheet.

Talk about the quiz.



Assignment "Check on a new friend" is due.


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