Ancient Rome Research Project

Daily LIfe and Accomplishments


Ancient Rome Research

You will be collecting facts about Ancient Rome in the following two areas: daily life and accomplishments. For this mini-project you will use three different sources of information: books, internet and encyclopedias.

You will choose two topics in daily life and two topics in accomplishments. You will create a question for each of your 4 topics that you will answer through your research. For each of the four topics you must collect at least six facts.

Daily Life (Choose Two):
- the role of women
- education
- clothing
- housing
- jobs
- the life of a soldier

Accomplishments (Choose Two):
- aqueducts
- roads
- the army
- Coliseum
- Circus Maximus
- baths

The information sources that you use must be recorded on the bibliography sheet. As you record your facts you must color code in order that the source of the information can be matched to the fact.



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