Students may enjoy debating topics of interest to them. Debates should be managed differently depending on the level of your students however. Quite advanced students might benefit from the standard debate format where they are assigned a "side" to argue on. They will be exercising not only their language skills, but also their ability to see others side to arguments. Lower-level students however, should only be expected to argue their true feelings. The focus should be on language practice, rather than debate skills. You can informally find out how students feel about an issue and then assign teams accordingly. Some people like the idea of the audience voting at the end of the debate to decide which team was most convincing. Sometimes teachers have the audience vote before the debate and then again after it to see if the arguments changed anyone's mind. Others, however, feel that it's best to not vote at all, as it could make sensitive speakers feel bad if their team loses. You can decide best for your class. You may also divide the class into groups of four to eight, and have each group be involved in a different debate topic to present to the class. This way, there isn't an audience sitting unoccupied during the preparation time. Possible Debate Topics 1. Childhood is the happiest time of life. 2. Students should be required to wear school uniforms. 3. School should be held year-round, with no summer break. 4. It is better to marry when you are very young. 5. It is better to marry for love than for money. 6. Men should do some of the housework to help their wives. 7. No family should have more than two children. 8. Children should be taught to read before they enter elementary school. 9. Television does children more harm than good. 10. Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays. 11. Mothers who work outside the home neglect their children. 12. The younger generation knows best. 13. Women should be allowed to enter any profession they choose. 14. Money is the most important thing in life. 15. The educational system should be reformed. 16. Teaching machines are better than teachers. 17. All schools should be co-educational. 18. Examinations are unnecessary. 19. Travel is the best education. 20. People are not as polite as they used to be. 21. We have too much leisure. 22. Living in the city is better than living in the country. 23. There are many benefits in owning a car. 24. Dangerous sports should be prohibited. 25. Environment has more effect on the individual than heredity. 26. Books, plays, and films should be censored. 27. Fashion contributes much to society. 28. Old traditions prevent progress. 29. A universal language is possible. 30. It is useless to explore the past. 31. Civilization brings happiness. 32. Man should continue space exploration. |