Worksheet 1
  Directions: Circle the letter of the best answer.


1. In Chapter 1, what “surprising” thing did the Herdmans do?
a. stole a baby and wrote on his head
b. stole $6.50
c. set the library on fire
d. made a new friend

2. Why did the janitor say that they had to get rid of the trash masher?
a. he thought it was better to recycle
b. it smelled
c. it was broken
d. The Herdmans kept putting things in it

3. Which Herdman was mentioned most in this book?
a. Leroy
b. Imogene
c. Claude
d. Ollie

4. Which of these would also be an appropriate title for this book?
a. The Herdmans Strike Again
b. How to Do Your Homework
c. Snakes and Gerbils
d. The Talent Show

5. Who was the narrator of this book?
a. Beth Bradley
b. Imogene Herdman
c. Barbara Robinson
d. Howard McCluskey

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