Worksheet 3


5. Imogene Herdman wouldn’t let the other kids take Howard’s blanket, and then when he lost it, she gave him her own. Why do you think she did this? What do these actions tell you about Imogene’s character?

6. Use the Venn Diagram below to compare and contrast Imogene Herdman and Alice Wendleken. You should have at least two ideas in each area of the diagram.

Constructed Response

7. In Chapter 4, Alice says that the Herdmans “can’t do anything talented”. Choose a Herdman (or Herdmans) and describe an act they could do at the talent show. Tell why you think they would be good at this talent-show act. Use evidence from the book to support your answer.

8. Several times throughout the book, events at the Woodrow Wilson School are reported in the newspaper (see page 56 for an example). Write your own headlines for the events that happen on these pages:

pp. 10-16

p. 44

pp. 70-71

pp. 103-104

pp. 107-109

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