Mrs. Bolkcom's Classes

Welcome to Art!


The arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution and that questions can have more than one answer. Elliot W. Eisner

This year Mrs. Shipley has brought back art as an enrichment to Munford Middle! I am not a new face to the faculty, but I am in a very different position. I bring to this room 20 years of experience working in the schools. It will be a pleasure to have your student for the nine weeks. I have lots of cool connects to make between art and the academics, so don’t blink too often! I hope to put as much as I can into our time together, without things feeling like a whirlwind vacation. To help me make the most of our time together, I ask for your support with my simple class guidelines:

Be Here
Be Prompt
Be Prepared
Be Respectful
Be Productive

In order to have fun, we will need funding. If your work place is updating or revamping and you think middle school artists could use items in the “curb alert” pile, send me an email, Email is the best way to make contact with me. I will also gladly accept items for my good guy reward chest (candy, snacks, desk top do-dads, mouse pads, post-a-notes, etc.) Please look over my wish list sheet when you go to purge from your home. Your trash could very well be our treasure!
Now to the unpleasant reality, there are some items I need to purchase in order to have a decently supplied room. In order for art to be, I need to collect $5 from each student. This cost will help to offset the expense of constant creation.

What do art teachers wish for?
Liquid hand soap, Clorox Wipes, Magic Erasers, and paper towels will come in handy. We are a messy bunch at times!

Supportive parents to help prepare materials at home are needed. If I send home a recipe that calls for just a couple of common everyday items would you produce sidewalk paint or play dough?

Is there a day you could come in and help out? Have you been through the board of education’s back ground check? Do you have an interesting art hobby you would be willing to share?

If I can set up a time after school for a Seize the Clay night, would you be interested in joining in the fun? If I can get enough committed, interested families, they will bring the supplies to us! This would need to be a prepaid event.

Recyclers who would prefer their items are reused. I am looking for family friendly magazines, newspapers . . .

General wishes: legal size paper sorting baskets, Fiskar scissors, rubber cement, water colors, Kleenex, 4 x 6 index cards, bars of soap, wood cuticle sticks, maroon Rit fabric dye & rubber bands.

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein


This page was created by Katherine Bolkcom using Web Poster Wizard.