Curriculum for the Weeks of

Apr. 20 - May 1



Spelling -
*For the week of Apr. 20, the majority of spelling words have the variant vowel sound oo in them (as in food). The words are broom, room, pool, cool, soon, moon, hood, took, laugh, and ever. (Note that hood and took are review words from last week, when the oo phonogram sounded like oo in book, as opposed to the oo in food that we are studying this week.)

*For the week of Apr. 27, the majority of spelling words have the variant vowel sound o in them. This variant vowel sound is spelled with the two letter phonograms "au" and "aw". The words are haul, cause, claw, paw, saw, drawn, cool, soon, air, and enough.

Reading -
*For the week of Apr. 20, we will review how to classify and categorize information from the stories we read.

*For the week of Apr. 27, we will compare and contrast elements in the stories we read.

*For the week of Apr. 20, we will study pronouns and where to place commas.

*For the week of Apr. 27, we will study when it's appropriate to use the word "I" and when it's appropriate to use the word "me".

Math -
*For the week beginning Apr. 20, we will
***compare capacity
***study cups, pints, and quarts
***study liters
***use measurement to solve problems
***review our unit on measurement

For the week of Apr. 27, we will
***take a test over our unit on measurement
***order events
***compare time
***learn to tell time to the nearest hour

Social Studies
*For the weeks of Mar. 30 - Apr. 21, we will begin an introductory look at American History. We will look at how life has changed in America over time. We will take a brief look at the changes technology has made. We will study celebrations that are uniquely American, such as Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Presidents’ Day. We will also look closely at who our heroes are, and what makes them heroes.

*For the weeks of Apr. 22 - May 1, we will study jobs people do. Our study in this area will help us understand the following concepts: services, goods, factory, market, and trade. We will also introduce the idea that people work to earn money, whether they produce goods or provide services. We will briefly discuss what tools help workers in their jobs.


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