by Mark A. Hicks, illustrator |
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What Fourth Grade Students Need to Know and Do: Add, subtract, multiply and divide using several methods (mental, paper and pencil, estimation, calculator). Explore more uses for fractions and decimals. Estimate measurements of length and weight. Demonstrate understanding of measurement and concepts related to length, capacity, weight, area, volume, time, temperature, angles, and money. Apply measurement in everyday situations. Measure length, weight, temperature, and area. Estimate objects for length, capacity, weight, area, volume, time, temperature, and angles. Use experiments and simulations to collect, organize, and record data. Display, interpret, and analyze data. Use appropriate math vocabulary. Use another strategy to solve a problem in order to check the validity of results. Discuss/write about math processes and strategies. Classify, describe, compare, and draw shapes. Draw two- and three-dimensional geometric figures. Extend geometric relationships using number and measurement ideas. Create, copy, describe, and extend a wide variety of patterns. Share how variables and open sentences express algebraic relationships. Write/communicate about mathematical problems and solutions. |