  Welcome to Spanish !



¡Hola Padres! (Hello Parents!)
Just wanted to let you know how happy I am to be part of the new Elementary Spanish Program here in Bryan County Schools. Your children are being introduced to Spanish language and culture through songs, games, art projects, role playing, reading, writing, listening, speaking, and other activities to help them acquire Spanish using methods appropriate for children. I realize that these young students have a wide variety of experiences with learning a foreign language and I will adapt as needed so all can feel successful.
One thing I’ve always enjoyed throughout the years is having visitors share their time and talents with my classes. If you would like to visit, please complete the information below, check your areas of interest, and return to me at Carver Elementary. I’ve listed just a few ideas you might enjoy, but feel free to suggest others. After receiving approval from our principal, I’ll contact you to schedule the time & date for your visit.
Thank you so much for your interest and support as we begin this new adventure!
Muchas gracias,
Marty Izaguirre
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name ___________________________________________ phone ________________________________________
child__________________________ relation___________________________ teacher________________________
__read a story/poem in Spanish __play /sing song in Spanish __puppetry (in Spanish)
__demo/ assist with art project __demo game/ dance __display souveniers, toys
__tell story about life/ travel in Spanish speaking country __bring photos, posters
__demonstrate making tortillas or other special food __bring treat, snack, prize

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