Education Maintenance Allowance
  (or EMA for short)




Read this article from the BBC about the first results of EMA. Make sure that you understand the words in bold* (use the dictionary on the left).

Finally, write a composition giving your opinion about good and bad consequences of EMA (have a look at the writing strategies). Use the links on the left to better understand this topic.

A Survey finds that the majority of teachers in England believe paying teenagers to stay in education beyond the age of 16 has proved a success.

The Learning and Skills Council poll found 82% of further education teachers saw the education maintenance allowance (EMA) as a motivator for youngsters.

And 61% of the 323 teachers polled said EMAs treated teenagers like adults.

The EMA of up to £30 a week was introduced in 2004 to keep more teenagers in education.

The poll also found 37% of teachers thought the scheme had had a positive impact on learning, even on those teenagers not eligible for the allowance.

And 84% thought the EMA helped prepare young people for the world of work.

Up to £30 a week

Last academic year, 89% of 16-year-olds in England stayed on in education or training - the highest rate since 1994.

Applicants for EMA must be in full-time further education, aged 16-18 at the start of the academic year and come from a household with a combined income less than £30,810.

They can still have a part-time job and no other household benefits are affected.

There are weekly payments of £30, £20 and £10, depending on the student's household income.

Intermittent bonus payments are also awarded, depending on a student's course.

* survey = encuesta, estudio * bold= negrita


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