Poetry Project

Due: Monday, April 11th, 2011


Student Name: _______________________ Period #: ___________________
Date you submitted the notebook: _________ Points Earned: ________________
*This will be the first page of your notebook.
The actual notebook can be any kind of 3-ring binder (1” or smaller) or create your own pamphlet. Remember neatness, organization, and originality will be part of your grade. Illustrations (computer generated, cut-outs from magazines, scrapbooking materials, or hand drawn) are recommended. Be creative, have fun, and express yourself!
Section One - Poetry Glossary/Literary Devices
Define each of the literary devices below. You may want to organize them alphabetically.
1. poem 2. imagery
3. stanza 4. meter
5. line 6. lyrics
7. rhyme 8. assonance
9. internal rhyme 10. onomatopoeia
11. near rhyme 12. alliteration
13. end rhyme 14. consonance
15. rhyme scheme 16. refrain
17. quatrain 18. personification
19. metaphor 20. irony
21. simile 22. symbolism
23. octave 24. couplet
25. sonnet 26. free verse

Section Two – Poetry Samples
First, write the definition of each poetry type, and then give one or more examples of YOUR original work.
1. Write a poem utilizing “onomatopoeia”
2. Write a poem using “personification”
3. Write a poem containing a “metaphor”
4. Write a poem containing “assonance”
5. Write a poem demonstrating “consonance”
6. Instant Poem (your choice) or Free Verse
7. Define and write a Haiku or Cinquain
8. Define and write a Sonnet (14 lines). It consists of an Octave (8 lines) plus a sestet (6 lines)
9. Define and write a Couplet (the poem can be longer than 2 lines in length, but stanzas are couplets) aa bb
10. Define and write a Diamonte
11. Define and write an Acrostic poem
12. Define and write a Concrete/shape
13. Define and write a Limerick
14. Define and write a Formula poem (3) of your choice – feeling/color/weather/month metaphor
15. Roses are Red
16. Lyrics from your favorite CENSORED song - must include an “analysis,” a “key,” and the rhyme scheme needs to be labeled.
• An analysis means that you must write a summary on what you think the song means.
• You also need to highlight or identify any; similes, metaphors, examples of vivid imagery, or personification. Consider using colored highlighters and a key to label them.
• Label the rhyme scheme.
17. Your choice (rap, free verse, humorous, bio poem, etc…)

Section 3 – Poetry Analysis
1. You need to choose one of the following works: “Annabel Lee,” by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Highway Man,” by Alfred Noyes, or “The Enemy,” by Alice Walker.
2. Write the poem (from above) into your poetry notebook.
3. Illustrate the poem. The picture can be created using computer graphic software programs, paints, markers, pencils, or whichever medium you are comfortable using or feel best reflects your poem. You may use either a realistic or abstract approach to complete your artwork. The abstract artwork can portray characters, settings, struggles, resolutions, etc…by using colors, shapes, line, etc. to tell the story.
4. Write a brief analysis/explanation of the poem and your artwork.


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