Accelerated Reader (AR)

Directions, Requirements, and Links


*Each student is expected to read a minimum of 4 books a school year (one per each 9 weeks).
*Although your child was given the following permission slip in class, should it go missing, please print this page, sign, and have your child return it to school for a homework grade.

I will be requiring that ______________________________ (student’s first and last name) read and test on an AR book leveled 4.5 or greater. Please know that the “book level” is not relative to “grade level”. The book chosen by your child should be one of interest, is to be read outside of class, and tested on prior to Friday, May 6th, 2011.

Although I have discussed the AR requirement with your child in class, I will provide further details for your information. Both the school and public library label books with an AR sticker. Books must be leveled 4.5 or greater. To check whether a book is an AR title or to find out its level, log onto, click Schools, Richmond Hill Middle School ; once on our school website, click on AR List. This list will indicate the BL (Book Level), as well as how many points’ students can earn if they perform well on the test. Students will redeem their AR “points” for prizes at the end of the year.

To test on a book, students may use any of the computers in the school. They may test either before or after school or once classroom assignments are complete. I will count the highest AR quiz grade as a test score at the conclusion of each nine weeks. Therefore, students are encouraged to read and test on as many books as possible. Shoot for 100%!

Parents, please sign this slip and have your child return it to school to acknowledge that you are aware of this requirement.

Mrs. Houck, 7th Grade ELA Teacher
_________________________________________________ (Parent Signature)


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