Power Point Test #1

All About You


Your assignment is to create a power point show all about you!

Open power point and create a new show saved as lastname meshow

Slide 1: Your N/D/B
Slide 2: Where & When you Were Born
Slide 3: Who is your family?
Slide 4: Where did you go to middle school
Slide 5: Favorite Childhood Memory
Slide 6: 3 things you do when you are not at school
Slide 7: One college you might want to attend
Slide 8: One job you want to have
Slide 9: One job you DON"T want to have
Slide 10: One famous person you would like to meet.

Slide Show Requirements:
Different Solid Color Backrounds on each slide
At least 3 different font colors in the show
1 picture on each slide
Slide Transitions

When you are finished, spell check, run your show, save and submit


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