Introduction Email

Who are you? Who am I?
About myself


This email will introduce you to your German or Turkish partner.
Click on the link "Sample Letter" for an example of what you should write. You can fill in the blanks, or be more original and add different information.

You may want to write your email in WORD for spelling and punctuation corrections. Then COPY and PASTE your letter onto the email.

Use an online dictionary to help with any words you don't understand, or for synonyms.

When you have finished your email:
1. Write EMAIL 1, YOUR NAME, and TO CORRECT on the subject line
2. Save it in the DRAFTS folder on our email page.
3. Ask another student to correct your work
4. Reread your email.

If you don't want to add anything:
1. Change "to correct" on the subject line to "READY"
2. Save again in the DRAFTS folder.

Have fun and remember, you can use emoticons and color to make things more fun!

Yahoo! ID:

If you need any help, write your questions in CHAT.



This page was created by Kari Olson using Web Poster Wizard.