
The characteristics of a good employee


The Characteristics Of A Good Employee

Most employers seem to agree that good employees display qualities such as dependability, punctuality, initiative, a positive attitude toward the job, ability to get along well with others, flexibility, motivation, organization, and an ability to perform assigned duties. And most individuals preparing to enter the workforce would look at this list of expectations and find it reasonable. Does anyone plan to start a job or career unmotivated, disorganized, and under-prepared? Of course not! The problem is that the qualities and behaviors listed above are automatically assumed by employers; they constitute minimum expectations. Most companies do not provide programs to train their new employees on how to develop loyalty, project a good attitude, or show up on time each day. And why would they? Students who graduate from college possess these attributes and more, don't they?
More and more frequently, college career counselors are hearing from employers of recent college grads that the answer to this last question is a definite, "NO!" Employers are complaining about the work ethic of new employees and are surprised at the degree to which they lack the basic skills and behaviors necessary to succeed in their jobs. Employees are not showing up to work on time (or, in some cases, not showing up at all), not willing to perform the tasks assigned to them, and not taking the initiative to look around and see what needs to be done. Often these same individuals have portrayed themselves in interviews as dependable, flexible, and willing to take initiative.
So how can you tell if YOU would make a good employee? If you are currently employed, or have recently held a job, answer the following list of questions based on your work behaviors:
Am I a dependable, loyal employee?
• Do I show up on time for work each day?
• If I am sick or unable to work, do I notify my employer as soon as I know there is a problem?
• Do I speak positively to others about my place of employment and co-workers?
Am I a flexible employee?
• Do I go into work with an attitude that I will try my best at whatever assignment I am given that day?
• Am I willing to take on new responsibilities?
Am I an employee who takes initiative?
• Do I look around to see what needs to be done at my job, or do I wait each day for duties to be assigned to me?
• Do I continually ask questions to try to learn more, or do I stick to what I already know and have been told?
• Do I suggest changes or new ways of doing things when appropriate?
Am I a positive employee?
• Do I exhibit a positive attitude in all that I do?
• Do I go out of my way to help others, including co-workers, supervisors, customers, and others I interact with?
• Do others seem to enjoy working with me?
• Am I a motivated employee?
• Am I eager to go to work?
• Do I try to learn new things about my job?
• Do I try to accomplish the work assigned to me to the best of my ability?
• If I were my employer, would I want to hire someone like me?
• If I were my co-workers, would I want to work with someone like me?
If you are not currently employed and have not been recently, you may want to ask similar questions about your behavior as a student; after all, being a student is probably your most important "job" at this point in time. Ask yourself such things as: Do I show up on time for my classes? Is my out-of-class work complete and handed in on time? Do I take initiative to learn more about the subject matter than is expected of me? Do I exhibit a positive attitude in class, by listening, and by contributing my own ideas and opinions when appropriate? If I were the instructor, would I want to teach a student like me? If I were the other students, would I want to attend class with someone like me?
The most serious mistake a student could probably make is to think, "Well, maybe I'm not the best student of the best employee now, but those aren't REAL jobs. When I graduate and enter a career of my choice everything will change." Positive work behaviors do not magically "appear" at the time when a person starts a "real job." Like most good things, a positive work ethic develops over time and with effort.
A popular theory states that it takes 30 days to break a bad habit; so how long does it take to establish a good habit? That probably depends on both the habit and the person, but as it is pretty clear that good habits don't develop overnight, it might be wise to start now. Start with that 9:00 a.m. class or that part-time job you currently hold. Go in today or tomorrow morning with the attitude that you are going to put forth the best possibly effort in all that you do. Look at it as a "training ground" for that great career you plan to start after graduation. If you are the best student or the best employee you can be TODAY, chances are you will possess all the qualities employers are seeking when you go off to pursue the career of your dreams.


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