Trip to London



London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom.
An important settlement for around two millennia, London is today one of the world's leading business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the major global cities.
London is the most populous city within city limits in the European Union with an official population of 7.6 million. Its population is very cosmopolitan, drawing from a wide range of people, cultures and religions, speaking over 300 different languages.

Answer these questions (Copy the questions into a word document and save it as London and your names):
1. What is the name of the river in London?
2. What is the average temperature in January?
3. Write the name of three important parks in London.
4. Name three famous sites in London.
5. Where is the Globe Theatre situated in London?
6. Write down the name of two Shakespeare plays which can be seen at the Globe Theatre
7. Write down the name of three important events you can see this week
8. What can you do at the Natural History Museum?
9. Write the name of three members of the Royal Family.
10. Could you name the five kings/queens preceding the actual one?

You are going to go to London for a weekend leaving from Valencia.
- How much would you pay for the flight tickets?
- Get a flight and write the departure and arrival time from Valencia to London and from London to Valencia.
- Try to find a hotel in central London that you think would suit you. Write the price in Euros and Pounds. Use the Currency Converter.
- What will you do and see in London during the weekend?
- Make a Power Point or Prezi presentation with all the information you gathered. The presentation should be divided into two parts: general information about London and our trip to London. Include text and photos.



This page was created by Olga Hernández using Web Poster Wizard.