Greek and Roman Mythology

Why do we tell stories?



Think about the last time you read, heard, or viewed a great story. Did you tell the story to someone else after you had heard or read it? What made you want to share the story? There are many answers to this question!
During this unit, we will be focusing on the characteristics of myths from ancient Greece and Rome. We will discuss why stories are often retold, and what people get out of listening to them. To help us with vocabulary and spelling, we will also be reviewing Greek and Latin roots. As we study the mythological side of ancient Greece and Rome in Reading class, you may also be studying the history of each area in Social Studies class.

On the left hand side of the screen are numerous links to aid you in completing this unit of study.
• The track is a set of web sites that relate to Ancient Greece and Rome, mythological stories, characters, etc. There are questions related to each website. You should try doing some of the activities listed with each one to build your knowledge during this unit. Some of these websites will help you complete the worksheet links.
• Directions for the worksheets can be seen when you click on that worksheet, but the teacher will also be giving specific directions for each worksheet.
• The activity links will be used to review various gods/goddesses and Greek/Latin roots. With permission, you can play these games during Reading class, Learning Lab, Computer class, or from home.
• The Well Done! Certificate can be printed by you and signed by me after you have successfully completed all activities for this unit.
• The LiveText lesson will be viewed and discussed in class.

Literary Analysis
- Identify and analyze characteristics of myths
- Identify cultural values in traditional literature
- Identify and analyze universal themes
- Develop strategies for reading, including visualizing and predicting
- Identify cause-effect relationships
- Summarize plot
- Identify main ideas and supporting details; create an outline
- Use context clues, base words, and affixes to figure out the meanings of words
- Use a dictionary, thesaurus, or synonym finder to find synonyms for words

Omaha Public Schools District Reading/Language Content Standards – Grade 6
602 Use a variety of strategies to develop vocabulary.
Skill and Knowledge Statements
• Demonstrate the use of context clues.
• Demonstrate the ability to use prefixes and suffixes.
• Identify the meaning of multi-meaning words.
• Demonstrate understanding of figurative language.
• Demonstrate the ability to use Greek and Latin roots.
603 Read and comprehend fiction to demonstrate understanding.
Skills and Knowledge Statements
• Select and attribute inferred on the basis of a character’s words or actions (character).
• Supply answers to factual questions about who, what, when, where, why/how (retelling).
• Make reasonable predictions based on information from the story.
• Generate logical prediction of what might happen beyond the end of a story (prediction).
• Select a sentence summarizing the main topic explicitly stated in text (main idea).
• Describe the cause of a given effect (cause and effect).
• Select answer to who, what, when, where, or why/how questions that involves making inferences.
Nebraska Reading/Writing Standards – Grade 8
8.1.4 By the end of eighth grade, students will identify and apply knowledge of the structure, elements, and literary techniques to analyze fiction.
8.1.7 By the end of end of eighth grade, students will demonstrate the ability to analyze literary works, nonfiction, films, or media.


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