The USA : the american dream




The USA is the most important country of the world. Even though we all know things about the USA, how many of you can tell me how many states compose the USA? Or when will the general elections be? What do you know about its history, its culture ... Well, here you have a great oportunity to find out averything you need to know about this awesome country.


1. What stands for USA?

2. How many states compose The USA? Name them.

3. Which is the capital of the United States of America?

4. What is The White House? Where is it? Who lives there?

5. Who was George Washington? Can you name 3 other presidents of the USA?

6. What is the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America?

7. What is the Independence Day? And the Thanksgiving Day?

8. Do you know the name of the American Hymn?

9. What happens during the Flag Day?

10. Can you write some importantc facts about immigration during 1800-1900 period?

11. Who has been the president of the USA for the last 8 years? Can you name some important facts during that period?

12. Which are the two major political parties in the USA?

13. Do you know why are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton so important nowadays?


Imagine you and your family have had to move to the USA. Write a composition about your life there.

You will have to talk about:
- Where do you live? state, city, the weather... Do you live in a flat, in a house, do you have car or maybe you use the shcool bus, where do you study, etc...

- National celebrations

- What kind of food do you eat? National food...

- News that are taking place during your staying.

- Things you do in your free time: watch tv, which chanels? which sports do you play there? What kind of parties are you invited to?

Use your imagination as well as the links I have given to you. You have now the chance to create your own american dream!!!
Enjoy it!!!


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