
PowerPoint Presentation- Introduction


Space, due to its complexities and vastness, is often described as “The Final Frontier”. It is one of the last places humans have left to explore. While there is still a lot to be discovered, much research has been done and a lot has been discovered with in our solar system, galaxy, and universe. This assignment will allow you to research and learn about what scientists already know about space as well as any new discoveries and research they hope to accomplish in the future.

Your task for this assignment will be to do research on a given astronomy topic. You and another classmate will be given the same topic, but each you will explore and research different information about that topic. Each student will prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation on their topics to their science class. You will be given approximately 3 weeks to work on this project. We will be spending around 5 class days in the computer lab for research and worktime. Any additional work will need to be done at home.


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