1. Kristallnacht 2. St. Louis 3. Anne Frank 4. Shindler’s List 5. What is the Holocaust? 6. What is the origin of the word Holocaust? 7. What is a yizkor book? 8. What did each of the identifying badges mean? 9. Pprovide me with a list of the Nazi concentration camps?and map 10. What were the dimensions of the railway cars used to transport individuals to the Nazi camps? 11. What did each of the identifying badges mean? 12. What Army units liberated the concentration camps? 13. How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust? 14. How many Catholics were killed during the Holocaust? 15. Who was in the Secret Annex with Anne Frank, who helped them, and what happened to everyone? 16. What was Anne Frank's tattoo ID number? 17. Read and summarize one of the personal stories. 18. Who is Gerda Weiss Klein? 19. As you finish this project, tell me what you have taken away from this assignment. |