Grading for K-2 Music


Susan Smith
K-2 Music
Grading Rubrics

Students in grades K-2 can receive a possible 4 points per class period based on participation and behavior.

Participation: 1 point
Student will receive1 point if he/she exhibits a conscientious desire to learn the material and is engaged in the activity being taught.

Student will lose 1 point if he/she does not participate and appears disinterested in class.

Behavior: 3 points
Student will receive 3 points if he/she treats self and others with kindness and respect, listens to the teacher, does not interrupt class and stays on task.

Student will lose 1 point if he/she needs reminders to stay on task.

Student will lose 2 points if he/she needs reminders to stay on task and makes the learning experience bad for others around him or her.

Student will lose all 3 points if he/she needs reminders to stay on task, makes the learning experience bad for others around him or her, and requires a time out in the classroom.

Kindergarten grades will be S, S-, or U
First and Second grades will be E, S+, S, S-, or U

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