Links: |
Here are some links to great math websites. You can play games and also find helpful information to assist you when you're stuck on math homework. Coolmath.com shows step-by-step methods for solving various types of mathematical problems. Ask Dr. Math can help with specific math questions. The Library of Virtual Mathematics has many interactive activities and games to play. If you're curious about your current math progress, check out eSIS Parent Assistant. You'll need your username and password. You can see your current grade, and a list of all assignments. I update math grades once or twice a week but not daily. If you have any questions e-mail is the best method to contact me. Contact Information: Karen Chadwick Room C-19 chadwickk@nclack.k12.or.us 503-353-5760 Ext. 37259 School Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM |