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CHEERLEADING INFO: A current (within 1 yr.) physical is required in order to attend try-outs. The forms can be found under ATHLETICS (Forms) on the WMMS webpage. If your student had one done for a Spring (2013) sport, I will need the original form. REQUIREMENTS: Physical, a standing back handspring and/or running round-off back handspring. Dates: Tues (8/27), Wed (8/28), Thur (8/29). Final judged try-out day Tues (9/3). Please email me if you have any questions (tbrock@wcpss.net). THANK YOU! Hello and Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies - 2012-2013! *My email address is tbrock@wcpss.net. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. ONLINE TEXTBOOK - www.mystatehistory.com password: nc09hist Teacher Classroom Wish List: *tissues, tissues, tissues *8 1/2 x 11 copy/printer paper *pencils *notebook paper *colored pencils ATTENTION: 8th grade Social Studies EOG review sessions will be on the following Tuesdays after school: April 23, April 30, May 7. If there is enough interest, another Tuesday session will be added. A sign-up sheet will be posted outside of Mrs. Moses's room the morning of the tutoring session. Sign-up will be on a first-come, first-served basis and space will be limited. Students must be picked up no later than 5:00pm the day of turtoring. An activity bus will be available. Week of 5/6/13 - 5/10/13: 1) Monday - Jackie Robinson Day! 2) Design Jackie Robinson baseball card with political, social and economical changes. 3) We Protest project - students will design a protest - working in groups. They will work on this Wed, Thur, and Fri and present on Monday, 5/13. Week of 4/22/13 - 4/26/13: 1) Vietnam War packet - annotate, questions. 2) Cold War/Vietnam War test - Thur 4/25/13. 3) Intro to Civil Rights Week of 4/15/13 - 4/19/13: 1) Read about the Korean War on pg. 850 - America Book. Answer questions and Map Master in the section. 2) 4/16 - ELA Benchmark. 3) Communist contries map 4) Analyze primary documents from the Korean War. Students will annotate and fill in form. 5) Cuban Missile Crisis computer research and 3 paragraph paper. 6) Friday - 4/19 - Early Release Day - Earth Day Activities. 4/8/13 - 4/12/13: 1) Reviewed WWI, 20s, Great Depression test/answers. 2) Units 7 - 9 Benchmark 3) Into to Cold War - ppt on communism, Berlin Airlift, formation of NATO 4) Story of Us - Super Powers 5) Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Warsaw Pact. Students will analyze letters to President Truman in regards to the Berlin Airlift. 3/25/13 - 3/29/13: 1) End of WWII ppt/notes 2) Story of Us - WWII episode 3) Wednesday, 3/27 - WWII TEST 4) Thursday, 3/28 - No school for students - TWD. 5) Friday, 3/29 - Friday, 4/5 - NO SCHOOL - Happy Spring Break! See you Monday, 4/8/13. 3/18/13 - 3/22/13: 1) Great Depression New Deal worksheet. 2) WWI, Raring 20s, Great Depression TEST - Tuesday, 3/19/13. 3) World War II vocabulary - dictator, isolationism, concentration camp, Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, Nisei, D-Day, D. Eisenhower, Nuremberg Trials, H. Truman, Blitzkreig, J. Stalin, totalitarian state, B. Mussolini, fascism, A. Hitler, aggression, appeasement, W. Churchill, total war, D. MacArthur, rationing, intern, island hopping, kamikaze, genocide, war crimes. 4) Start of WWII & U.S. involvement ppt/notes 5) WWII photo Analysis/Response 6) During WWII ppt/notes 7) Behind Barbed Wire play. 8) WWII TEST - Wednesday, 3/27. 3/11/13 - 3/15/13: 1) Start of the Great Depression - read pgs. 770-775. Create a four fold for causes of the Great Depression and categorize them by economical, political, social and geographical causes. 2) Story of Us - Bust. tic-tac-toe worksheet 3) Roosevelt/Hoover worksheet 4) New Deal worksheet 5) Fri - 3/15 - Early Release 6) WWI, Roaring 20s, Great Depression test - TUES - 3/19/13. 3/04/13 - 3/08/13: 1) Vocabulary 2) Intro to WWI with ppt and guided notes 3) Cause and effect flowchart 4) US Involvement - Zimmerman note & map 5) WWI Tech advances, trench warfare & gases. 6) Roaring 20s - KWL chart 7) Flapper worksheet 8) Compare/Contrast Walt Whitman poem "I Hear America Singing" and Langston Hughes "I Too Hear America Singing". Week of 2/25/13 - 3/01/13: 1) Gilded Age - cartoon/document analysis. 2) Progressive Era People - create a Facebook page. 3) Spanish-American War - pre-assessment. 4) Spanish-American War - create a magazine cover & story. 5) Friday - 3/1/13 - TEST Week of 2/18/13 - 2/22/13: 1) Monday - 2/18 - No School for students. 2) 4 box graphic organizer for Immigration (people, reasons, hardships, reason denied entry). Fill in with powerpoint. 3) Analyze pictures on Immigration and answer questions. 4) Cause and Effect Immigration flow chart (Social, Political, Economical & Geographical). 5) Thursday - 2/21 - Mrs. Clark will be presenting information to students on high school registration. 6) Child Labor during the Immigration period. Week of 2/11/13 - 2/15/13: 1) Reconstruction presentations - Monday. 2) Intro to Industrialization & Immigration. 3) Industrialization/Immigration vocabulary word walls (group work). 4) Pros & Cons of big businesses Venn diagram. 5) Assembly line demonstration 6) Immigration experience - reenacting Ellis Island. Week of 2/4/13 - 2/8/13: 1) Reconstruction project: students will create a play, skit, song, rap, poem, puppet show etc. using all Reconstruction vocab. This 'story' will be video-tapped for students of the class to see. Week of 1/28/13 - 2/1/13: 1) Gettysburg Address annotation and vocabulary predictions/meanings. 2) Reviewed battles timelines. 3) Reconstruction Vocab: Freedmans Bureau, black codes, carpetbagger, universal manhood suffrage, Ku Klux Klan, martial law, impeach, segregate, sharecropper, Compromise of 1877, Jim Crow laws, 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, Radical Republicans, freedman, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, scalawags, tenant farmer, John Wilkes Booth. 4) Test practice packet: graphs, charts, tables, political cartoons. Week of 1/21/13 - 1/25/13: 1) No School for students Mon 1/21 & Tue 1/22. 2) Finish Battles Timelines - Due Thurs. 1/24. 3) Thurs. 1/24 - Benchmark test. 4) Fri. 1/25 - Gettysburg Address vocabulary prediction and annotation. Week of 1/14/13 - 1/18/13: 1) N/S Compare/Contrast 2) Battles timeline - due Thurs. 1/24/13 3) End of 2nd qtr. Week of 1/7/13 - 1/11/13: As we near the end of the 2nd quarter, I handed out PROGRESS REPORTS to students who are missing 1 or more assignments. Students will be ZAP'd for 2 or more missing assignments. 1) 4-fold of the long term causes of the Civil War. 2) 4-fold of the immediate/short term causes of the Civil War. 3) America - Story of Us: Start of the Civil War episode. 4) Writing assignment: Why did the causes lead to a war? Use 3 long term and 3 short term causes in your explanation. 5) Test on the causes of the Civil War - FRIDAY, 1/11/13. Week of 1/2/13 - 1/4/13: 1) Vocabulary - NC Land of Contrast book, pgs. 285, 292, 300 - 18 words. 2) Mills vs. Plantations packet - compare/contrast original rules and regulations of the two. Week of 12/17/12 - 12/21/12: 1) Finish Expansionism Lotus 2) War of 1812 sheet 3) Trail of Tears play and Teardrop assignment. 4) Expansionism Test - Thursday 12/20/12. 5) Early Release - Friday 12/21/12 Week of 12/10/12 - 12/14/12: 1) Finish Government Test. 2) Define Terms & Names on pg. 184 (blue book), and Andrew Jackson, James Madison, Napoleon Bonaparte, laissez faire, embargo, Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny. 3) Watch: America - Story of Us, Westward episode. 4) Louisiana Purchase reading and worksheet. 5) Lotus & Map on Expansionism: Original US, Louisiana Purchase, Florida Cession, Texas Annexation, Gadsen Purchase, Area ceded by Britain, Mexican Cession, Oregon Territory. 6) Annalyze the Monroe Doctrine (primary source). 7) Expansionism test - Thursday 12/20/12. Week of 12/3/12 - 12/7/12: 1) Recite the Preamble. 2) Finish the Legislative, Executive, Judicial branch packet. 3) Write a paper on the Princples of the Constitution: popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks & balances, federalism. 4) Using the Amendments worksheet. 5) Government test - FRIDAY, 10/7 (changed from Wed 10/5). 6) Progress Reports/Interims will be handed out Friday, 10/7. Week of 11/26/12 - 11/30/12: 1) Finish brochure. 2) Annotate the Pre |