When you present your project to the class, present the following in your own words without looking at your piece. • Present your character • Tell the audience why you chose this character. What “leadership” qualities does this character possess? • Read each quote- one at a time and explain what is significant about the quote. • Conclude by inviting your audience (in some way) to adopt the quality or qualities of this character. State how we can exhibit that leadership quality in some way. Make it meaningful and personal. OK. So here’s the deal. Have someone else hold your visual during your presentation or prop it up on an easel. Use index cards to help you along. DO NOT READ DIRECTLY FROM A SHEET OF PAPER. YOU WILL BE MARKED DOWN FOR THAT OR YOU WILL BE ASKED TO REDO YOUR SPEECH IN AN EFFORT TO PERFECT IT. You will be evaluated on the following: 1. Eye Contact with Audience • Did you look up often? Did you smile? Did you face your audience? (10 pts.) 2. Voice • Were you loud and clear? Did you enunciate your words? Did you vary your voice to maintain interest? (10 pts.) Take the time to practice and perfect. We will make index cards and practice with small groups in class. Presentations will take place 3/18-19. |