Partner Exercise

Directions: Work with a partner to summarize the following passage in your own


WILLIAM GOLDING – BIOGRAPHY William Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in Cornwall, England. His mother worked with the Suffragettes, and his father was a schoolteacher. Golding was educated at Marlborough Grammar School and Brasemore College, Oxford. During college, Golding gave up his studies in science to pursue English Literature. After completing school, he dabbled in poetry and theater and was a grammar school teacher at Bishop Wordsworth School, Salisbury, when World War II broke out. Lord of the Flies, his first novel published in 1954 (and later filmed in 1963), met with popular and critical success. In the book it was apparent that the evil perpetrated during the war years influenced the author. He was a prolific writer, and his books include: The Inheritors, 1955 Pincher Martin, 1956 Free Fall, 1959 The Spire, 1964 The Pyramid, 1967 Darkness Visible, 1979 Rites of Passage, 1980 (Booker Prize) The Paper Men, 1984 Close Quarters, 1987 Fire Down Below, 1989 Taken from: “ MonkeyNotes for Lord of the Flies by William Golding.” 1997. 19 October 2008

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