Bonfire Night



Guy Fawkes Day or Night is a popular British festivity.
Once you have gone through these web links I would like you and your classmates to either create a PowerPoint Presentation on Guy Fawkes or give an Oral Presentation about this topic.
You should include the answers to these quesions in your final task:

a) When is Guy Fawkes Day celebrated?
b) Who was Guy Fawkes?
c) What was the Gun Powder Plot?
d) Why did the plotters want to blow up the king and the Parliament?
e) Where did they store the gunpowder?
f) Why was Guy Fawkes discovered?
g) What was the fate of the plotters?
h) By what other names is this festivity known?
i) What do British people do nowdays on Guy Fawkes day?
j) What do children traditionally do on this day?
K) What do children ask people for?
l) What is the traditional Bonfire night food?
m) Give some Firework safety rules.


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