The Rock Cycle




Welcome to the world of rocks. You will be working through different links to help you explore and understand the types of rocks, where to find them, and how they were created.

You will begin by learning about rock collection safety and then take a quiz over what you have learned.

We can't begin examing rocks until we understand what makes up the soil where rocks are found. Click on the link "Soil in Your Area" and read through the information about soil in all 50 states.

After you have explored that link, click on the link "Soil Facts" and see what makes up the soil that rocks live in.

You will be developing and creating flip books to help explain each type of rock. After exploring each type of rock, you will need to stop and create the product before going on to the next link.
You can also use the link "Rock Identification Key" to help you identify different types of rocks you may find in your neighborhood. Bring in those you find and see if you can identify what type they are. This could count as extra credit!!

Let's test your knowledge of the types of rocks. Click on the link "Discover Earth's Treasures" and click on each type of rock. When you have read through all of them, click on the link "Rock Hound Quiz" and see how well you know these rocks.

For fun, click on the link "Pebbling Puzzles" to play a few fun games!! Enjoy!!


This page was created by Shelley Ragland using Web Poster Wizard.