¿Qué hiciste hoy?

What did you do today?
So...What did YOU do today?


Monday, June 1:

Can you believe we only have 4 days left!! The year has gone by extremely fast. Thanks for all of your support. It truly has been an honor to work with your children this year.

Today we finished lesson 12.4 in math. I think we'll actually have time to squeeze in our final test of the year Thursday! We continued our running club outside. We are only 40 miles away from successfully running across MN! The kids are excited to finish this up.

For the rest of the morning, the students continued to work on their biography of a famous healthy person or a burning question about health and nutrition they want answered. From there, students began to work on their final project of this unit, a plan for how they will take all the information they have learned this unit and apply it this summer.

As students write the answers to their questions, they will then practice speaking them, record them as MP3s, and then we'll post them up on our class web page! I think this will be really motivating for the students.
Wednesday, May 27:

Well, it's been a busy couple of weeks with testing, lots of kids out sick, and some mini-vacations. Anyway, we're back in action with only 8 days of school left.

Today we began to brainstorm ideas for our final mini-research project. Students will either research a famous healthy person (like an athlete) or a burning question they keep coming back to during this Health and Nutrition unit. We will begin initial research tomorrow.

We began our last chapter in math today. We had a guest speaker today talk to us about spending his life in a wheel chair. Wyatt Gaborik's (from Srta. Abbe's class) uncle has been paralyzed since he was in college. He shared his story with the students and answered a lot of their questions. It was very interesting and informative.

We then proceeded to do a writing exercise that had to do with how our outlook on people with disabilities has changed.

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend.
Thursday, May 14:

We're still running! We're up to a classroom total of 135 miles! Today we continued to talk about serving sizes, daily percentages, and which vitamins are available through which types of food. We talked about the different properties in cubic shapes. We did an activity where we wrote about which foods we think are healthy, why they are healthy and how they help our body. We also continued to talk about how being healthy is a lifestyle, not something you do every so often.
Tuesday, May 12:

We finished our last 4th grade standardized test ever! We're all done!
*We continued with our rotations in the Health and Nutrition Unit-Sr. Juan instructed the students on how to best plant seeds
*We began Chapter 11.1 in Math-reviewing grams and ounces
*We continued to journal our food intake
*We had our last session in the library for the school year.

HW: Read 20+, HL 11.1, Exercise, Keep track of food
Monday, May 11:

Today we continued to run! We are at a total of 93.3 miles as a class! Ask your child about this.
*We introduced nutrition labels today and what the different words-carbohydrate, proteins, etc.- meant and how to look at the serving size and Daily Percentages
*We voted as a class to take our Unit 10 Math test. The students did very well.
*We did a writing activity about what we know about Health and Nutrition, what we'd like to learn more about, and what are some things we'd like to do during this unit
*We practiced an exercise routine students can do at home

HW: Read 20+, HL 10.6, Continue food diary, Bring in seeds for tomorrow
Thursday, May 7:

We are running across MN! We began to chart our exercise. Each day we will run laps around the school. Students set a goal each day about how many they would like to do. We are estimating that 3 laps around the school is equal to about a mile. Students can either walk or run...the only rule is that they have to be moving! At the end, we tally up the total amount of laps for all students, then figure it in miles. Today our class did 81 laps, which is equal to 27 miles! We then chart it on a map of MN to see how far we have come.

We talked about which different types of foods fit where in the food pyramid.
*We continued with our read aloud: Island.
*The students worked in their interest based reading groups.

Tuesday/Wednesday May 5/6,

Busy days! We began our Health and Nutrition Unit. Each day one person is sharing how his/her family is healthy. It is fun to see the wide variety of activities.

We began our food journals and introduced the food pyramid. Also, the students drew a picture of what they think a healthy meal looks like.

We continued with Chapter 10 in math. I'm thinking we'll be ready for our test early next week.

Monday, May 4:

Wow! Only 23 days of school left! They are going to go by really fast! Today we spent the morning reflecting upon our play unit: We talked about all that we did, the activities that made us better, and how everyone contributed to the final event. We then did some writing activities about how we were brave to be on stage in front of almost 400 people.

We continued with Unit 10 in math: reflections. Today we talked about how images are identical, but how words are not able to read in a reflection because they appear to be "backwards." We continued to read in our reading groups during English time.

Finally, towards the end of the day, we began our new unit: Making Healthy Choices. I shared with the class two ways that I try to stay healthy: eating fruits and veggies and practicing sports (biking, running, roller blading, etc.)

HL: Read 20+, HL 10.3, Begin to prepare for your day of sharing about how to be healthy.

Tuesday, April 28:

Today was quite the productive day!

*We learned a few new theater games
*We reviewed for our math test tomorrow
*We practiced our play lines and scenes individually with Diego-only 2 days to go!
*We continued with our Interest-based reading groups
*We painted pictures of our play characters and prepared some more of the details for Thursday's play

HW: Study for math test, Read 20+, Continue to work on play parts, acting, body positioning, etc

Monday, April 27:

Testing is over! Be sure to congratulate your child on a successful and intensive week of testing. They did great!

Today we spent about an hour getting ready for our play on Thursday. We had the entire stage to ourselves and Nicolas was here to help us with many of the small details: flow, voice projection, body positioning, blocking, etc. He was very impressed! I told the students that I think we are about 70% there! A nice way to plug a fraction and percentage.
We reviewed how to divide and multiply decimals. Tomorrow we will review for our math test. I'm thinking our math test will be either Wed. or Thurs.
During English time, we tried out a new technique for creating dialogue based upon predictions we made from a text. It was very fun and interactive. Be sure to ask your child about it.

HW: Finish HL packet, bring in costume, Read 20+, continue to practice lines, especially with a projected voice.

Monday, April 20: Testing! Math and reading MCAs. We also began our new book clubs. The students were very excited that they were able to chose a book.

HW: Read 20 +, Design play costume/props, get ready for tomorrow's test

Thursday, April 16:

Today we practiced our play! It's fun to see it take on more life and creativity as the students become more familiar with it.
*We read a few more chapters in Desp.
*We did a writing exercise about what our aspirations are in life.
*We went to the library and picked out new chapter books
*We had an extended reading time while students told me about the books they were reading

HW: Lines for play must be memorized by Monday. Read 20+

Wednesday, April 15:

Tax day! Today we got a lot accomplished!
*We decided to modify our play a little bit. All students maintained their same roles, but the play changed a little bit.
*We completed math 9.6 on surveys and understanding how percentages work with that.
*We read Spanish stories in our reading groups
*We continued to practice and act out our new play
*We read Chapter 31 in Despereaux

HW: Leer 20+, Practice lines, HL 9.6

Tuesday, April 14:

Today was play day! Nicolas Carter, LILA's connection with the ACE Theater Company, was here today to help all of fourth grade with our plays. It has been fun to see how much the play has come since we first introduced it yesterday. We are really trying to reinforce with the kids that their actions, not their actual speaking lines, are the most important thing.
*We read Chapters 24-30 in Despereaux today
*We completed lesson 9.5 in math

HW: Read 20+, HL 9.5, Begin to practice lines and pretending to be his/her character.

Monday, April 13:

Monday! Back from a few days off, g



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