
Stock Characters and Elements of Melodrama
1. Read Melodrama 101 2. Watch The Original Sawmill Mystery 3. Analyze the cartoon for stock characters. 4. Write a paper about these characters. Describe each character and identify whether or not t



1. Read Melodrama 101
2. Watch The Original Sawmill Mystery
3. Analyze the cartoon for stock characters.
4. Write a paper about these characters.

Describe each character and identify whether or not the character is a stock melodramatic character.

In your conclusion, state which character was the most melodramatic according to the definition of stock characters and explain why you picked that character.

For your book, divide your paper into paragraphs and illustrate each paragraph following the style of the cartoonist.

5. Write a paragraph analyzing the elements and methods used by the cartoonist which you used to create your illustrations. Place this paragraph on the fourth page of this chapter.

6. Analyze the cartoon for the elements of melodrama.

7. Write a paper describing how the cartoon does or does not use these elements.

8. Choose one element to illustrate in your book. Use the style of the cartoonist.


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