¿Qué hiciste hoy?
  What did you do today?


Learning about calories by burning nuts!



*Check here daily for an update on what your child did at school. I will do my best to update it every evening!

*Use this page as a discussion starter with your kids. Now that you know a little bit about what they've done, you can ask them more specific questions!

Today we started our day by taking the NWEA test for Math. The students set goals for themselves based on their previous scores and everyone did their best! We got started with "Communicating" during our Exhibition time. The kids got to release some energy during deportes time and we also started learning about the multicultural nature of quilts.

We started the morning with our 2nd NWEA test. This one was reading and all the kids did their best! Then we had recess and did lesson 9.8 in math. We had our short deportes day today. During Exhibition time all worked hard to try and finish with their presentations. It looks like we might have to extend the deadline a bit to accommodate for their creativity! After lunch they had the choice of finishing their writer's workshop story or continuing to work on their Exhibition project.

Today we had our last NWEA test of our LILA careers! It was the language usage test. I am very proud of how the kids did on their tests this spring! What fantastic students! We then answered some questions about the trip tomorrow and had recess. We completed lesson 9.9 in math and are on track to finish with the unit next week. During Exhibition the kids worked very hard to get as close to done as possible. After lunch we did some discussing about the importance of quilts which will tie to our trip this weekend!

5/18/09 In the morning we reflected on our activities at Camp St. Croix. We finished 9.9 in math and continued with "communicate" during Exhibition with the hopes that we will be finished by tomorrow. We also worked on our rough drafts of our memory quilt pieces and got a new perspective on memories by reading the book "Wilfred Gordon MacDonald Partridge" by Mem Fox.

5/26/09-Today we flew through our day! We started in the morning with extra time to work on our Exhibition projects. We then had our morning meeting where we discussed summarizing and how we use it in our daily lives. During math we worked with tessellations in 10.1. For the rest of the day the kids worked to perfect their Exhibition projects!

It was a busy day in 6th grade today. Students worked on completing their
"communicate" and "responsibility" pieces for their Exhibition projects.

During math we had a fun lesson and activity on creating nonpolygonal
translation tessellations. We looked at the artist M.C. Escher's work with
tessellations, and then students created their own, showing their creativity
combined with their math skills.

This is quite the class of authors! Most students have now finished
publishing and sharing their books, based on a topic of their own choosing.
They have worked hard on this project, from writing the rough draft, to
revising, editing, binding, publishing, and sharing their final products
with the rest of the class. Be sure to ask them to read their books to you
at home - they are terrific!

It's been a joy working with your children this past year (some for the past
two years). I'll miss them!

Con cariño,
Señora Kathie

Today was characterized by one word: Exhibition. Tomorrow we will be presenting for the school population and so we spent today putting the finishing touches on our projects and presentations. We also started the end-of-the-year test in math. I am only using this to see what skills have really been secured and are now easy for the kids. It is not meant as a punishment for what they get wrong. We also had "deportes" today which always makes the kids smile!


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