Elena García Marín


We are going to make 7 groups of four pupils each, to investigate on the climates and landscapes of the world and later share the information together. Every group you will study a climate of the world:

- First group: hot equatorial Climate.
- Second group: hot desert Climate.
- Third group: hot tropical Climate.
- Fourth group: moderate Mediterranean Climate.
- Fifth group: moderate oceanic Climate.
- Sixth group: moderate continental Climate.
- Seventh group: Polar Climate.

Inside each group pupil A will investigate the temperatures of your climate, pupil B the rainfalls, pupil C the rivers and pupil D the fauna and vegetation.
Once the information is obtained we are going to share it with the other students in three steps:

1.-Each one shares what he has learned with the rest of his group and they create a mural together with all the characteristics of their climate.

2.-Later the groups break off, to regroup making new groups. All A pupils in one group, all B pupils in another one... Then they share the information about their climate.

3.-Finally, every climatic group will present the mural and the characteristics of their climate to the rest of the class.

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