
The Richmond Hill Wildcat Winds are the premier wind group at RHMS. This is an auditioned organization for 7th and 8th graders.

The Wildcat Winds next concert will be at the GMEA In-Service Conference. This will be held at the Savannah Trade Center across the river on January 27th at 11:15am. Parents will NOT need wrist bands to come to the concert, but they will if they want to chaperone or go to the exhibit hall with their students. All students will be given participation wrist bands and will be allowed to go into the exhibit hall.

Things to remember for students:

1) Wear your uniform to school if you are a car rider!!!!
2) Carry your uniform to school in a sealed hanging bag, if you ride a bus to school.
3) Carry your uniform to school in a sealed hanging bag, if you walk to school.
4) Wear black dress shoes and black socks!!!!!!
5) Wear a white buttoned down shirt with a collar!!!!!!!
6) Walkers and bus riders will need to change into their uniforms after they are cleared from homeroom by their homeroom teacher.
7) All students will need to go to homeroom and be cleared by their homeroom teacher before they can leave homeroom.
8) If you change into your uniform at school, you have 5 minutes to do so immediately after you have been cleared by your homeroom teacher to leave homeroom!!!!
9) Before 8:15 am, every student will have needed to check with the boosters regarding lunch. This is your responsibility! If you are getting a school lunch, you make sure you have enough money in your school lunch account to cover your lunch!!!! This is your responsibility!!!!!!!!!

Schedule for the day:

7:00 am pack at RHMS Band Room
If there are any dads who can help us load/unload, that would be great!!! We need dads for lifting percussion equipment in the loading area behind stage and lifting onto the stage Thursday. We need at least 5 strong guys to help with this. 3 outside at loading dock; 2 inside at stage area. I would like a few moms to help boys with bowties/cummerbunds.
8:45 am leave RHMS
9:15 am – 9:25 am arrive at Trade Center Ballroom, Mrs. Bowden and Dr. Warnock will have to immediately register us.
9:30 am – 10:00 am unload and setup
10:00 am warm-up
11:00 am warm-up over, restroom
11:15 am – 12:00 noon Concert
12:15 pm – 12:30 pm break down stage and load trailer.
12:30 pm – 12:45 pm lunch outside (near ballroom if weather is good), or inside (lobby below ballroom if weather is bad).
Any student may leave at this time with parent if I receive a written note from their parent.
12:45 pm – 1:15 pm exhibits with chaperones – we must have at least 1 chaperone per 5 students, for students to go into the exhibits. Students will want to bring a little spending money to buy something at the exhibits.
1:30 pm – leave Trade Center
2:00 pm – arrive at RHMS BR>


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