Ms. Nay's Language Arts Class
Page numbers for each book and discussion dates.



Welcome to the 8th grade! I look forward to working with each of you this year. Check back here for news about assignments for your class.

Week of 5/23 Students were assigned a group for their A Midsummer Night's Dream project. Scripts should be done by Friday. Quiz on their act on Friday. Presentations a week from Thursday.

Week of 5/16: We will be working on poetry books in class this week. They are due Monday, May 23rd. There is extra credit available with this project.

Week of 4/25
Metaphor poem due Friday. Poetry test based on notes a week from Wednesday. Late Literature circle projects will not be accepted after 5/3.

Week of 4/11
Anne Frank Act 2 quiz on Monday (vocabulary and content).
Literature Circle Project due Tuesday.
Anne Frank test on Friday.

Week of 4/4
Discussions Tuesday and Friday. We will finish reading Anne Frank this week. Literature Circle projects are due 4/12. Anne Frank test will be next week.

Week of 3/28
Act one content and vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, finish two column notes for Act 1 and use as a review. Next discussion on Wednesday. Page numbers required for discussions posted at the top of this page. All late work due by Tuesday.

Week of 3/21:
Next literature circle discussion is Thursday. Project assigned Tuesday, due 4/12. Stay current with two column notes as we read in class.

3/14 None
3/15 First literature circle discussion Friday
3/16 Anne Frank Act 1 vocabulary
3/17 Be prepared for discussion tomorrow.

3/7 Finish crossword if not completed in class, Literary Element Card due Wednesday, Quiz Thursday on EOG terms
3/8 EOG term crossword
3/10 Finish EOG packet

2/28 Blue Diamond
3/1 Go over blue diamond
3/2 Finish Clue sheet
3/3 Finish EOG practice problems

2/22 Ordeal by Cheque story due Wednesday, Finish The Lady or the Tiger vocabulary
2/23-24 Paidiea questions due Friday, must use evidence from the text to support your answers. Written in paragraph form.

2/14 Finish Making Inferences Chart
2/15 Making Interences Sheet
2/16 None
2/17 Finish "Ordeal by Cheque"
2/18 Ordeal by Cheque story due Wednesday, no more class time to work.

1/10 None
Literature Circle groups: Start reading your novel and preparing your role. First discussion Friday. Blog posts by Fridays.

Giver groups: Work on reading questions to match the amount of reading done in class (starting 1/13). Be prepared for reading check quizzes.

1/3/11 None
1/4/11 Two paragraph persuasive letter, supporting Brown v. Board of education ruling
1/5/11 Blue Diamond
1/6/11 Grammar Blue Diamond

12/13 Persuasive Essays due tomorrow.
12/14-12/15 Blue Diamond in class
12/16 Grammar workbook page 99-100 due today
12/17 Finish propaganda assignment if not completed in class.

12/6 When Does Education Stop handout, read and answer questions. Have topic picked for persuasive essay
12/7 Outline persuasive essay based on class research
12/8 Finish rough draft, be prepared for peer editing tomorrow
12/9 Grammar WB p. 99-100, Come to class tomorrow prepared to type essay.

Week of 11/30
Last discussion 12/1. Book should be completed by that day. Project due 12/3. Short answer quiz on book 12/2. Extra credit opportunity due 12/6.

Week of 11/22
Literature Circle Discussions: 11/23 and 12/1
Literature Circle Project due: 12/3, project is set up so students can work on it as they read, and do not need to wait until finishing their book to start.

Week of 11/15
Literature Circle discussions are Tuesday and Thursday. Have the correct amount of pages read and complete your assigned role. Literature Circle project due December 3rd.
Root word quiz on Friday. Extra credit for making flashcards.

11/8 Personal Narratives due Wednesday, you must turn in all planning/drafting work with final copy
11/9 First Literature Circle discussion Wednesday, have role ready and pages read
11/10 Be ready for the second literature circle discussion on 11/16.
11/11 No School
11/12 Work on literature circle pages and role

11/1 Study for test tomorrow, including all vocabulary
11/2 None
11/3 Complete personal narrative graphic organizers
11/4 Have a rough draft of personal narrative ready to peer edit
11/5 Personal narrative due Tuesday (all planning, rough drafts, peer revisions)

10/25 Paideia Questions are due Wednesday, Seminar on Thursday, Book talk presentations start today, Harrison Bergeron/Flowers for Algernon Test 11/2.
10/26 Continue working on Paideia Questions
10/27 Be prepared for Paideia Seminar tomorrow
10/28 Start reviewing for test on 11/2.

10/18 Quiz corrections due by Tuesday
10/19 None, Blue Diamond in class
10/20 Finish Harrison Bergeron questions
10/21 Grammar WB p 51-52, circling the prepositional phrases due, Literary Analysis Worksheet

10/11 Five discussion questions for "Flowers for Algernon."
10/12 Finish Connector activity, study for voacbulary quiz Wednesday
10/13 Algernon questions
10/14 Grammar WB p. 51-52, find the prepositional phrases

10/4 Finish vocabulary sheet
10/5 Create a foldable for new vocabulary words, due Thursday
10/6 Foldable due Thursday, Grammar workbook page 49-50 due Thursday.
10/7 Grammar workbook page 50-51 due next Thursday, finish corrected journal entry.

9/27 Test Thursday, rewrite due tomorrow
9/28 Study for test Thursday, finish Lotus notes review
9/29 Study for test Thursday.
9/30 Grammar WB page 49-50 due next Thursday

9/20 Work on book talks and grammar pages
9/21 Finish vocabulary assignment from class, Vocabulary foldable due Thursday
9/22 Finish newspaper article if not finished in class
9/23 Prepositions handout due Thursday
9/24 Start working on rewrite

9/13 Ten questions for "Drummer Boy" using the top of Bloom's Taxonomy. Vocab quiz Wednesday
9/14 Investigator assignment due Thursday. Vocab quiz Wednesday
9/15 Grammar WB p 15-16 due Thursday. Investigator assignment due Thursday.
9/16 Grammar WB p. 39-40 due Thursday.

9/7 Finish Literary element handout
9/8 Vocabulary Worksheet
9/10 Grammar WB page 13-14 due, finish classwork activity

8/30 Vocabulary Handout. Quiz on those ten words on Friday.
8/31 Sitcom assignment, due Friday
9/1 Sitcom assignment, "Charles" rewrite, Grammar pages due 9/2
9/2 Sitcom assignment, study for your quiz, bring your book with you to class!

8/25 Students will be given handouts to take home. Please read and fill out handouts where necessary. Student letter to the teacher will be assigned and is due Friday.

8/26 Letter to the teacher due Friday. Grammar workbook page due 9/2.


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