Discovering Primary Colors Through Piet Mondrain's Artwork

Elementary Art



Students will
• Discover a new artist, Piet Mondrian, and what inspired his artwork.
• Recognize primary colors, and the use of primary colors in Piet Mondrian’s artwork.
• Produce their own artwork inspired by Piet Mondrain.
• Explore the art computer program, Pixie, and produce their own digital artwork inspired by Piet Mondrain.


VA 6.1 Art Production: Creating and making original works of art:
VA 6.1.3 The student will use different media techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories.

VA 6.3 Art History: Studying art works in historical, cultural, and social context:
VA 6.3.1 The student will have knowledge of the relationships between the visual
arts, history, and culture.
VA 6.3.2 The student will explore specific works of art belonging to a particular
culture, time, or movement.

Piet Mondrian
Primary Colors
1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Blue


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