Choose an invention from the list below and complete your reserach worksheet. Leonardo da Vinci The airplane The helicopter The parachute The submarine The armored car Rapid-fire guns Ball bearings 1510: Leonardo da Vinci designs a horizontal water wheel Other Inventors & Inventions 1400: Golf Balls 1400: 1st Piano called Spinet 1411: Trigger 1420: Oil Paining 1421: Hoisting Gear 1450: spectacles for nearsighted people invented by Nicholas of Cusa 1455: Johannes Gutenberg invents Printing Press with movable type 1475: muzzle-loaded rifle 1486: copyright granted 1487: Bell chimes 1492: Martin Behaim invented the first map globe 1496:Wallpaper 1500: Wheel-Lock Musket 1510: Peter Henlein invented the pocket watch 1537: Tartaglia's gunner's quadrant for aiming cannon, 1st firing tables 1543: John Dee creates a wooden beetle that can fly for an undergraduate production - one of the first robots 1565: Conrad Gesner invents the graphite pencil 1581:Galileo, an Italian scientist, discovered the pendulum for use in clocks 1582: Pope Gregory XIII invents the modern, Gregorian calendar 1583: Leonard and Thomas Digges invent the telescope 1589: William Lee invents the knitting machine called the stocking frame 1590: Zacharias Janssen invents the compound microscope 1593: Francis Bacon invented the frozen chicken 1593: Galileo Galilei invents a water thermometer 1608: Hans Lippershey invents the refractin telescope 1620: Cornelis Drebbel invents the human-powered submarine 1624: William Oughtred invents a slide rule 1625: Jean-Baptiste Denys invents a method for blood transfusion 1629: Giovanni Branca invents a steam turbine 1642: Blaise Pascal invents an adding machine 1643: Evangelista Rorricelli invents the barometer Great Inventors to Research -Galileo -Copernicus -Kepler -Leonardo da Vinci -Vesalius -Brunelleschi -Guttenberg |