Charles Dickens

What do you know about Charles Dickens and his time?
Oliver Twist asking for more


Find he meaning of these words:

grow *  mill  *   lodging houses   *   pump   *   sewer  *   household   *   outbreak   *   pickpockets  *   steam   *   coal  *  chimney sweep  *   slum

Now, click on links on the right and find the answers to these questions:

  1. Who was Charles Dickens?
  2. When was he born? When did he die?
  3. When did he publish his first book?
  4. Name a few books written by him?
  5. How many jobs did he have?
  6. How many children did he have?
  7. Why did people move from the countryside to the cities?
  8. Why were there so many diseases in the 19th century?
  9. Why were the houses in towns so dirty?
  10. Why were there so many pickpockets in the streets?



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