Dyslexia in Children

General Information



Dyslexia is a term I heard often in teaching general education and in talking with other parents about learning issues. It was not until it was suspected that my own daughter was dyslexic, that I took a real interest. It was determined that she has a dyslexic “profile”. She did not qualify for the actual “label” of dyslexic because she developed skills on her own to compensate for her disability. Regardless of the actual diagnosis, her brain still thinks like a person with dyslexia. Therefore, I have a personal and vested interest in learning about dyslexia. I hope what I share in this website will help others understand dyslexia and all it entails.

Wikipedia’s definition of dyslexia is “Dyslexia is a learning disorder that manifests itself as a difficulty with reading decoding, reading comprehension and/or reading fluency.” “It is also considered a learning disability, a language disability, and a reading disability”. Generally speaking, they are correct, but dyslexia involves so much more than what can be simply stated as a definition. It is one of the most common disabilities among children and adults. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having dyslexia. If fact, it is viewed by many to be a gift. Children with dyslexia are simply children that need academic and emotional support to become the best they can be!

LD Online is an extremely informative website for any learning difference. I specifically had the link open to the topic page of Reading and Dyslexia to show the many other related topics you can explore. MedicineNet discusses dyslexia generally and puts dyslexia in different categories. Audiblox is a multisensory learning program. I included it here because it offers information on alternative theories on what dyslexia is and how it is caused. The International Dyslexia Association is another phenomenal website devoted exclusively to dyslexia. It has an abundance of resources including general information, research, and events. The link takes you to a list of providers anywhere in the United States. These providers are a referral source for a variety of professional services. There are over 200 providers listed in California alone! NINDS approaches dyslexia from more of a medical standpoint and offers information on clinical trials as well as general information. Children’s Web MD and Web MD are medical sights that explain everything using layman’s terms. I like how this particular page breaks down dyslexia symptoms and explains what to look for by grade levels and includes high school, college, and even adults.

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