Digestion & Absorption of Nutrients


For this project, you will create a poster which illustrates how and where the digestion and absorption of each of the six essential nutrients occurs. You will also be reviewing the structure and functions of each of the nutrients.

The first part of this assignment is to research:

(1) The main functions of each of the major and accessory digestive organs.
(2) The enzymes and/or other digestive compounds involved in the digestion of each nutrient (where applicable)
(3) To what form are each of the nutrients digested (review) (if applicable)
(4) Where the absorption of each of the nutrients occurs

You have two organizers to be completed with this information. Write additional information in your notebooks.

The second part of this assignment is to research:

(5) How nutrients are absorbed
(6) How nutrients travel throughout the body once absorbed
(7) The destination (include 2) of each absorbed nutrient and its function(s) there

Write this information in your notebooks.

The last piece of this project is to create a poster with the information, showing the paths of the nutrients through the body from "start" to finish."

(8) On the poster, you will also research the location of and label the sphincters of the digestive system.

***Everyone is responsible for having access to all the information every day. Each group member must complete the organizers; Each group member must write the other information in their notebooks. In addition to part of your grade for this project & classwork, these will constitute most of your notes for the digestion and absorption unit.

Some websites to get you started are below.



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