MS Paint Skills to Modern Art

Who is Mondrian?


You are going to create an MS Paint Project inspired by the artwork of Piet Mondrian.

Step 1:
Check out the links on Piet Mondrian to see examples of his work and learn more about him.

Step 2:
Use MS Paint to create your own Mondrian work:

Save your work as lastname mondrianpaint

Choose Line, choose the widest line at the bottom and the color black.

Then choose rectangle (with a solid line) with the color black. Draw a frame (start at the top left) and pull diagonally to the bottom until it covers the screen. (Do not scroll beyond what you can see in the screen. Release. TO UNDO AN ERROR, CLICK ON EDIT AND UNDO. The undo will go back further if you keep clicking on it. This is limited.

Choose Line and draw horizontal and vertical lines until you have an interesting grid of rectangles which fills the screen without scrolling.

After the grid work is complete, scroll beyond the grid work. If there are lines that extend beyond the frame, choose Select (dotted rectangle) and draw the rectangle to go around the extra ends. Choose Edit and Cut. Repeat as needed until there are no more loose ends.

Click on Paint Jar (Fill with Color). Click on the color you choose and click on the area that needs the color. Please choose from WHITE (BLANK), plus GRAY plus the Primary Colors which are RED, YELLOW AND BLUE. Since this is similar to a Mondrian painting, do not use other colors or shades.

Choose Edit and Print Preview. Do not worry if the picture is not centered. It should not fill the page.

Save your work to your folder we will submit when I return

Step 3:
Open Word and set up an MLA report.
Write 8-10 sentences about Mondrian's art work and your opinion of it. (Is this really art? What is the big deal? When did he paint? Why did he paint? What is the name of this style of art?

Run spell check, save your work as lastname mondrianparagraph

Be Creative!



This page was created by Mary Clair Wright using Web Poster Wizard.