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Directions: Take turns reading each statement with your partners. Before reading the text, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement. Place a √ check in the box, if you agree or disagree. Then, after the reading decide if you agree or disagree with the statement. Then, write a brief statement justifying your response. 1. About 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans. True False 2. A coral is made of hard skeletons of small polyps True False 3. The Atlantic is the largest ocean in the world. True False 4. Tides are caused by the pull of gravity between the earth, moon, and sun. True False 5. Laundry detergent is a pollutant that is most commonly released into waterways by families and individuals. True False 6. Mammals can live in the ocean. True False 7. Fish is the first link in the food chain. True False 8. The intertidal area is where the land and sea meet. True False 9. The deepest part of the sea has not been discovered. True False 10. Whales and Dolphins are an endangered species. True False 11. There are about 24,000 of fish species. True False 12. There are 5 major oceans in the world. True False |