Transcription Exercise Answers

Week 2



Here you have the aswers to the transcription exercise. You must have 36 transcriptions.

1. scene /siyn/
2. sin /sın/
3. miss /mıs/
4. mess /mεs/
5. deed /diyd/
6. did /dıd/
7. dead /dεd/
8. heal /hiyl/
9. hill /hıl/
10. hell /hεl/
11. mitt /mıt/
12. met /mεt/
13. meat /miyt/
14. mate /meyt/
15. heat /hiyt/
16. hit /hıt/
17. hate /heyt/
18. beads /biydz/
19. bids /bıdz/
20. beds /bεdz/
21. sweet /swiyt/
22. sweat /swεt/
23. bean /biyn/
24. been /bın/
25. it /ıt/
26. eat /iyt/
27. eight /eyt/
28. bait /beyt/
29. beet /biyt/
30. bit /bıt/
31. feet /fiyt/
32. fate /feyt/
33. fit /fıt/
34. wit /wıt/
35. wait /weyt/
36. wet /wεt/


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