
Required Content


Poster For your community service poster you will need to include the following information:
1) Title
a) Create a catchy title that will make people what to join you in your community service project.
b) The title should be big enough for people to see from ten feet away.
2) Image or Picture
a) Draw at least two pictures or find at least two images from the internet that compliment your community service project.
b) The picture/image should only add to your project not take away from the wording on the poster.
3) Brief description
a) You need to describe your community service project. You will need at least 4-6 sentences telling people about your project. Remember: you are encouraging people to help you with your project. You need to use persuasive text.
b) Your description needs to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Make sure you edit your rough draft before you start on your final copy.
4) Neatness
a) Neatness always counts. Make sure your poster looks appealing and it is easy to understand.



This page was created by Emily Roderick using Web Poster Wizard.