Book Talks


Students will be required to sign up and complete two book talks a quarter based on books they have read independently.

Oral Requirements:

A book talk is a promotion of a book, not just a plot summary. You will be telling us about your book in such a way that makes us, your audience, want to read this book. The requirements for this assignment are as follows:

1. You should open with a hook to draw your audience’s attention.
2. You must tell us the title, author, and genre of the book.
3. You must give us an overview of the setting.
4. You must give us an overview of the main character(s).
5. You must have a brief plot description, but don’t give away the ending.
6. You must discuss important elements from the novel, including symbolism.
7. You must articulate the themes.
8. You should connect the book to something in your own life, something you saw on TV, or something else you read.
9. You must have teasers. Think about the trailers for movies—what makes you want to see a movie? They show you snippets of the best parts. You need to do this.
10. To whom would you recommend this book? I don’t necessarily want names, but a general description of the type of people who would benefit from reading this book. Something like “I would recommend this book to young teens whose parents are getting a divorce because . . .” You can fill in your own reasons.
11. You must be prepared to answer questions.
12. You need to have a visual aide; this can be a PowerPoint, poster, a diorama, a costume, or something else you think of. Make sure I approve it before you show it.
13. This will be a presentation, so you have to dress up.
14. The presentation must be between 2 and 4 minutes long, no longer, no shorter. This means you will have to practice and time yourself!

Remember, this is a promotion. You want to get people to read this book. Promote it in a positive way, even if you didn’t necessarily like it. I think it would be crazy, however, to read a book you didn’t like for an assignment where you got to choose the book.

Written Requirements:
Due the day of your presentation

In a total of three complete paragraphs, you must include the following information about your book:
1. You must tell the title, author, and genre of the book.
2. You must give an overview of the main character(s). Give details of character traits, and how they are revealed.
3. You must have a brief but thorough plot description, making sure to clearly describe all parts of the plot, including the resolution.
4. You must articulate the theme(s) presented.
Reminders: a paragraph is 5-8 complete sentences. You are always encouraged to type, double-spaced, Times New Roman font. Make sure to use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Book Talk Rubric

Student’s Name: _____________________________ Date: _________________
Title of Book: ___________________________________________________________

Oral Presentation

Content: Total: _____ / 15
_ Student demonstrates knowledge of the book _____ 1-10
_ Book Summary _____
_ Connection _____
_ Book Information _____
_ Q & A (answers questions adequately) _____
_ Student makes book seem interesting and grabs attention (Hook) _____

Presentation: Total: _____ / 10
_Presentation is well organized and shows preparation _____ 1-5
_Clear speech _____
_ Eye contact with audience _____
_ Speaks loudly enough for audience to hear _____
_Does not excessively use like or um _____
_Dressed appropriately _____

Visual Aids: Total: _____ / 10
_ Visual aids help viewer to better understand the book _____ 1-5
_ Visual aids are creative and well done _____ 1-5

Written Report

Content: Total: _____/ 10
_Demonstrates knowledge of book plot, including the resolution ______1-7
_Includes author, title, and genre_____
_Discusses themes of the novel _____
_Discusses character traits of the main character _____

Written Requirements: Total _____/ 10
_Three, complete paragraphs _____ (1-5)
_Minimal spelling and grammar mistakes _____ (1-4)
_Neat, easy to read _____


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